The first doctor that I visited barely spoke English and was walking distance from where I live. I did my best to describe my condition using my limited bahasa skills and his limited English skills, but after a half hour of discussion I just became increasingly frustrated. On top of my already long list of worrisome symptoms I was able to add anger and frustration. Not feeling comfortable taking a bunch of drugs prescribed to me from a doctor who couldn't understand me, I decided to leave. After that experience, I can say nothing is more frustrating than being in a foreign country worried about your life and you can't get the necessary medical help because you are not understood.

My next doctor visit was two days later, except this time I decided to go into work and avoid the possibility of going to see a doctor and not effectively be able to communicate. This experience, my first hospital visit, happened to be much more beneficial. The doctor, who spoke decent English, listened to my symptoms and examined me. He concluded that I had food poisoning; I would receive an iv, an injection for the disorientation, and I could have my blood checked "if you want". Living in a foreign country, this being the most I've ever feared for my health, and never experiencing any of these symptoms in my life before, I decided that it would be in my best interest to have my blood checked...
Doctor: "It's a good thing we checked your blood."
Me: ........
Doctor: "You have tested positive for typhoid."
Me: (to myself) "Are you kidding me! He wasn't even going to check my blood if I didn't say anything!"
After my moment of disbelief and anger (HULK SMASH!!!!) he continued to prescribe an antibiotic and a food supplement for the lost nutrients. I sat quietly and was taken home by a school administrator.
I wish I could say that was the end of it, but after 5 days of the antibiotic I was improving frustratingly slow and my disorientation persisted, so I decided to return to the doctor. Again I described my symptoms, he had me perform a few tests while I stood, and he quickly determined I had vertigo, which I have since learned can be a side effect of serious food poisoning. I did feel relived because what had worried me most was not knowing what was causing my heart to race, lightheadedness, and disorientation that had ruled my life for the past week.
I'm happy to say that after 10 days of rest, friends chaperoning me around (Thank you guys so much!), a strict diet, and multiple medications I'm finally beginning to feel like myself again. I guess the moral of the story is ALWAYS make sure that an Indonesian doctor checks your blood because they are quick to medicate and not very thorough.
Oh, and the kicker is that I had a Typhoid vaccine before I left.
Oh, and the kicker is that I had a Typhoid vaccine before I left.