Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

I spent a relaxing weekend in Bandung, which is a short three hour long comfortable train ride from Jakarta. Upon arrival, Rashidah and I set out to our hotel, Ibis Styles, and relaxed for the night after having dinner on Braga Street, which is the center of night life in Bandung. 

The following morning we headed to Tangkuban Perahu, a dormant volcano that last erupted in 1983, located 30 km north of Bandung. Enjoy the scenic view on the way to Tangkuban Perahu...

Panoramic View

Bandung Countryside

Rashidah and I

Arriving at Tangkuban Perahu I learned of its folklore. From Wikipedia, "The name translates roughly to "upturned boat" in Sundanese, referring to the local legend of its creation. The story tells of "Dayang Sumbi", a beauty who lived in West Java. She cast away her son "Sangkuriang" for disobedience, and in her sadness was granted the power of eternal youth by the gods. After many years in exile, Sangkuriang decided to return to his home, long after the two had forgotten and failed to recognize each other. Sangkuriang fell in love with Dayang Sumbi and planned to marry her, only for Dayang Sumbi to recognize his birthmark just as he was about to go hunting. In order to prevent the marriage from taking place, Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to build a dam on the river Citarum and to build a large boat to cross the river, both before the sunrise. Sangkuriang meditated and summoned mythical ogre-like creates, green giants, to do his bidding. Dayang Sumbi saw that the tasks were almost complete and called on her workers to spread red silk cloths east of the city, to give the impression of impending sunrise. Sangkuriang was fooled, and upon believing that he had failed, kicked the dam and unfinished boat, resulting in severe flooding and the creation of Tangkuban Perahu from the hull of the boat."

Panoramic View

Had a wonderful pungent sulfuric odor.

Bulé Fame

The path that hugs the outer rim of the dormant volcano.

I'm waiting for Calvin Klein to call.

More of the path surrounding the outer rim of Tangkuban Perahu.

Artistic Rashidah Photo
One of the many vendors making a living on this volcano.

The other highlight of my trip to Bandung was the Lembang Floating Market. You purchase 5,000 RP or 10,000 RP chips to pay for excellent inexpensive "street" food.

Inside the Entrance

The small lake where the market floats.

The market also has traditional Indonesian homes and farming exhibits to explore.

Food Time!!!!

Not the greatest photo, I know, but home to possibly the greatest satay I've ever had. Outstanding!

Couldn't leave without having several steamed dim sum buns.

I normally play Batman, but I'm working on my Captain America.

A view of many of the floating stalls.

A view of Braga Street, which is the main promenade of Bandung.

The trip ended on a high note visiting one of my fellow BBS teachers and friends, Trevor. He lives in Bandung and teaches at the BBS-Bandung campus. We joined him at a local bar on Braga Street and he graciously entertained us with his singing and dancing prowess. Alcohol did not have any influence on his decision to join the performers.