Monday, July 15, 2013

Labelled Worst Traffic in the World for a Reason

Patience: an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. Patience is much more than a virtue in Jakarta, it is a requirement. The traffic being the biggest challenge that you encounter. In a week I've been in a ceaseless traffic jam. Highways, main drives, side streets, parking lots... Everywhere is backed up in Jakarta. You may move in a minute or ten and it may be as minuscule as five feet. Whether you wish it or not, you will be stuck in traffic. A route that takes you twenty minutes one afternoon may take  two hours the next.

Imagine entering a cab, your first thought dwelling on  how long will this ride last? You just hope that your next cab ride doesn't become one of the many traffic horror stories that are rampant in this city. The roads themselves weave back and forth so that you may have been helplessly waiting in your taxi for an hour, but infuriatingly still manage to see your apartment complex within walking distance. You often wonder, how is this possible!?!? Until you come to the realization that this is just another part of the culture in Jakarta. Something you must accept and learn that bringing a book, tablet, or laptop with you wherever you go is the best policy. If anything, this experience has taught me to NEVER complain about traffic in the United States ever again. In fact, I wrote this entire post while sitting in traffic... Tidak!!! (No!!!)

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