Tuesday, November 5, 2013


A padang restaurant serves traditional Indonesian food. The server will bring a portion of each of the padang's dishes to the table for you to choose what you would like to eat. Typical dishes include rendang (spicy beef), ayam curry (chicken curry), nasi (rice), homemade sambal (Indonesian chili sauce), ayam goreng (fried chicken), sapi (beef) tendon, seasoned green beans, seasoned kale, ikan (fish) in red curry usually with the brain, and many other dishes. You only pay for what you eat, which means that the leftovers are recycled. Those of you who don't like to share may wish to stay away. Everyone else, prepare for a fantastic meal of spicy exotic flavors!

Note: I incorrectly categorize this as a warung in the video. A warung is a street-side restaurant. There are many padang warungs in Jakarta, however this is not one of them.

My friends Matt (Left) & Aaron (Right) before we dug into the food.

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