Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Motor Car Falls

This is the pristine Motor Car Falls found at the end of the Yurmikmik Walk in the Mary River region of Kakadu National Park. It took Matt and I several hours to reach the falls. Along the way, we encountered the most challenging heat of our lives and would have given anything to swim in these pools. On this trek there was likely no one within at least 50 kilometers, which made it feel as if God cut out this piece of earth just for us as our Christmas present.

This trek had a different feel than any I had gone on previously in my life. I was on edge/nervous the majority of the hike because I had never been anywhere with the amount of lethal wildlife that exists in this park: poisonous spiders, poisonous snakes, poisonous reptiles, dingos, crocodiles, and an infinite amount of insects that torment you relentlessly during your hikes. I was throughout the hike mindful of my surroundings especially when we were anywhere near water... I had no desire to be croc food!

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