Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Crocosaurus Cove (Darwin, Northern Territory)

Saltwater Crocodile at Crocosaurus Cove that came out of the water during feeding time. This is the second largest crocodile in the world in captivity. Male crocodiles will grow their entire lives, this gentleman is in his 80's and is 6 meters long (20 feet). He is missing a limb on his front left side from a fight when he was younger.

Saltwater Crocodile Underwater View

Baby saltwater crocodiles immediately after I fed them using a fishing pole. They are able to propel their entire bodies out of the water to catch their prey. In this instance, leftover beef scraps. These guys are only 1.5 meters and a few years old.

I'm holding a 13 month old saltwater crocodile that will someday be a killing machine. Saltwater crocodiles are capable of living to 150 given the proper living conditions. They are able to live for a long time because they are able to slow their heart rate to 3 bpm and only have the blood flow to essential areas such as the brain.

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